Is there really a difference between foremilk and hindmilk?
Did you know you can increase the transfer of fatty hindmilk to baby during breastfeeds by simply massaging the breast? A quick massage of the breast before attaching bub enhances the letdown reflex and release of more fatty hindmilk with the foremilk than would have happened without the pre-massage. Massage of the breast DURING a breastfeed stimulates the release of fatty hindmilk sooner too. If a mother has a strong initial letdown and baby receives a big volume of milk quickly at the beginning of the feed, the amount of hindmilk baby receives can be minimal and lead to rapid digestion, wind pain and explosive poos. Increasing the transfer of fatty hindmilk slows baby’s gut and digestion which relieves these discomforts. Massaging to stimulate a letdown and allowing the first milk to flow into a towel, then attaching bub to feed can also help increase the amount of fatty hindmilk baby receives. How do you know how much hindmilk baby gets? You don’t. But baby’s signs of satisfaction and comfort during and after feeds will provide a guide for what works best for each individual mother-baby combination. An International Board Certified Lactation Consultant is the expert to consult if you are having problems with breastfeeding. Lois Wattis IBCLC, Midwife and Author of “New Baby 101 – A Midwife’s Guide for New Parents”